Depression Therapy & Counseling in Farmington, CT
Do you find yourself feeling sick and tired of being sick and tired? You may be experiencing depression.
Depression is a culmination of symptoms that can appear suddenly after a tragic incident in your life or gradually over time. We all have bad days, but when you start to feel overwhelmed by feelings of sadness, worthlessness, or hopelessness, those symptoms can prevent you from engaging in the world with any sense of purpose.
When our lowest moments begin to dominate our daily lives, that can get in the way of connecting with our loved ones, our confidence, our motivations, and spirit. When you reach out for help from an experienced depression therapist, you can start on a path to feeling better — and having more good days than bad.
Is this Depression?
Sometimes depression feels like a worse word to use than anxiety, but that doesn’t make it wrong or make you a worse person for going through it. Have you been battling a constant lack of energy or motivation?
Maybe you’re unable to find the same joy in things you once loved, or your loved ones have pointed out that you haven’t “been yourself” lately. If that sounds familiar, let’s dig a little deeper… when we are depressed, we can feel:
Like completely shutting down
Isolated from friends and family (purposefully or subconsciously)
Unable to focus due to constant negative stream of thought
A sense of hopelessness and despair
Preferring to sleep all day or an inability to get sufficient sleep
Out of control over our eating habits — eating too much or too little on any given day
Increased irritability with ourselves, others, and life
An inclination to engage in destructive behaviors
If you’ve been dealing with any of the concerns listed above and are tired of struggling, it’s time to reach out for help from an experienced depression therapist. At J Hoffman Therapy, I offer empathy and understanding in every session so that you feel comfortable discussing and working through whatever is dragging you down.
What can therapy do for me?
When you choose to work with an experienced depression therapist, you'll gain a strong supporter who will guide you through the process of battling depression. The goal of counseling is to help you get to a place where you have the energy and motivation to work towards your goals, enjoy your life and relationships again, and feel good about yourself and the direction your life is taking.
Feel GOOD about life again...
Choose J Hoffman Therapy | Depression Therapy Services in Farmington, CT
I can help you find ways to change your thinking and develop resources to make you feel more compassion for your experiences. This can help lighten the burden of depression. Using a combination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Mindfulness and hypnosis, we will also look for ways to develop more hope — getting you back on track doing the things you used to enjoy doing, being around people who care about you, finding some renewed purpose.
By working with me, you can walk away with a restored sense of worth and an ability to handle your life’s demands. You’ll have tools that you can continue using well beyond the end of therapy.
Some sadness in life is inevitable,
but you don’t need to live with feeling depressed.
Reach out now!
Tell me more about your situation, and I'll get back with you as soon as possible.