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Learn More About My Services

man on cell phone

Starting therapy doesn't have to be a scary process. I offer gradual services to make the process as smooth as possible for you. Here's some basics to know before you start:


Free Phone Consultation

I offer a free 15-minute phone consultation to help answer your questions and understand a little more about what I can do to help you heal.



After we speak, and when you are ready to schedule, you can request an appointment online through the Client Portal or we can set it up together.


Since insurance has so many varying plans, I will confirm what you can expect to pay and I will also send you an email with my policy and directions to my office. Once you've started therapy, you can schedule or change appointments online at your convenience. Of course, email and texting me regarding appointments is fine too.

First Session

The first appointment is where you will get a chance to see if we are a good fit. Please let me know if you start to feel overwhelmed or overly anxious. The first session, I ask a lot of questions, but you can decide how much you want to share and I will go at your pace. You can always say "I'm not ready to talk about that" and that is okay.


If you don't feel like it's a good fit, you can say that too. I'm happy to to help find you someone else. It is most important that you feel comfortable with any therapist. Of course, that can take a few sessions too.


Also, be prepared for what I call a "vulnerability hangover". You may leave the first session feeling a little wonky about all the stuff you just shared with a perfect stranger. It's totally normal to feel that way. I have heard many stories and don't judge. I'm busy listening for themes and patterns in your story and already trying to figure out what will help you most!

back of woman facing man sipping coffee from mug

Ongoing Treatment

Our plan for treatment will evolve as we figure out what works and what doesn’t work for you. Depending on your situation and how complex it is, your motivation, and openness will gauge how long we work together. Some people may have 12-24 sessions; others, a year or more. I understand therapy is hard work but with hard work comes big reward.

woman smiling


Once a week therapy sessions are typical, although sometimes twice a week can help people feel better more quickly at first. We can move to every other week when you've learned some new skills, are seeing some shifts in your life, and some of your goals have been met. Once a month sessions are for those in maintenance mode and getting ready to leave the nest.


My goal, no matter what, is to help you feel relief and eventually see you graduate.

This is my favorite part! Your last session with me will be a celebration of all your hard work and progress.

Invest in Your Self Care


My fee is $175. Out-of-network sessions are sometimes partially reimbursed by your insurance, and I would provide you with documentation to submit.


Without Insurance

Sometimes people don't want to use their insurance or have a deductible to meet any way.

Reasons to not use insurance?

More privacy.

Sometimes insurance companies will occasionally ask to see notes on a client, limit the number of sessions or limit to 45-minute sessions. 


More flexibility.

We can also be creative with sessions--walk and talk in the outdoors, online, longer sessions.


More Skin in the Game.

Clients who pay out of pocket often show more investment in their growth and healing and get down to business quicker so they can spend less time in therapy. 


I use to help client use their out-of-network benefits. Advekit will check your insurance and you will only pay what the insurance won't cover. They will then submit all the paperwork to your insurance, making it very easy for you and no extra fee. I also use Reimbursify which is an app to help you submit out-of-network claims to your insurance yourself with no charge. 

Interested in a free* 15-minute consultation?

Are you ready to schedule an appointment?

*Free consultations available to new clients only

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