Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing
Certified EMDR Therapist and Hypnotherapist in Farmington, CT
What is EMDR?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a unique therapy technique which has helped thousands of people since it was first developed in 1989. Primarily used to treat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), it has also been shown to be very effective in the treatment of a wide range of issues. Watch the video below for a quick introduction or click here:
Could EMDR benefit me?
​If you have experienced a traumatic or deeply impactful event in your life, you may be having some of the following symptoms affecting you:
• Restlessness or inconsistent sleep patterns
• Panic attacks
• Heightened anxiety
• Strong self-shaming thoughts
• Grief or sadness
• Physical pain
• Dissociative disorders (disconnected or feeling not "all there”)
• Phobias or increased fears
• Depression
• ​Low motivation to do anything
​If you struggle with any of these, then the simple answer is —
EMDR helps people get unstuck — often alleviating negative reactions and beliefs associated with emotionally-charged memories. Some of the memories and issues this type of therapy can help includes:
• Encountering violence or abuse
• Loss or injury of a loved one
• Severe injures, illness,
and/or chronic pain
• Performance and test anxiety
• Trauma
• Depression
• Anxiety or panic
• Low self-esteem
• ​Relationship problems
• Painful childhood incidents
• Addiction
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnosis and hypnotherapy is a great way to work through mental blocks and reprogram your conscious mind. We have developed ways of thinking about ourselves over time and through absorbing messages about ourselves from our experiences and the people around us. As a result, we behave in certain ways and often ways that don't serve us. Hypnosis can help release some of that messaging and incorporate new ways of thinking about ourselves.
All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. First, we develop a plan for what you want to shift and what wording feels best for you. Then, I guide you into a relaxed state of concentration through guided imagery. By doing this together in the session, and by listening to the recordings I make for you, you will learn to enter hypnosis on your own. Hearing positive suggestions while in a state of "trance" allows the mind to more easily absorb the messaging and incorporate it.
Hypnosis is used three ways:​
Cognitive restructuring (changing negative self-talk)
Going to the source of the problem through ‘regression’
Could Hypnotherapy benefit me?
Hypnosis can provide relief from:
Medical Problems
Weight Problems
Smoking Addiction
Habit disorders
Myths and misconceptions about hypnosis:
People understandably have fears about an unfamiliar and new technique. Stage hypnotists who command people to cluck like a chicken give people the wrong impression, because they cause people to fear that their minds will be controlled by another person. This is not the case at all. In hypnosis you are in a state of heightened concentration, similar to a meditative state. You would not do anything that is against your character or morals, and you will not reveal secrets you would rather not say.
Frequently asked questions:
I don’t think I can be hypnotized, should I try it anyway?
People don’t realize that they hypnotize themselves all the time. Watching television, riding long distances in a car, even reading a book or exercising can lead to a relaxing trance state.
Do I have control over what I say and do?
You have control over what you say and do. Any suggestions I make that don't feel right to you, your mind will automatically reject.
What if I fall asleep?
This is a very relaxed state, and some people welcome the relaxation so much, that they may begin to fall asleep. However, you and I talk and are interactive during the session. In that way we make sure that you stay awake to benefit from it.
Are you sure I am going to come out of the trance?
People often achieve such a relaxed, comfortable state, that they do not want to come out, but when they realize that they can bring themselves out, they are eager to share what they have learned from a fully conscious state.
What is the subconscious mind?
We can describe our mind like a glacier. Only a small portion is above water, and visible to us. Like a glacier, there is a huge part beneath the surface. This is the subconscious mind, which still influences us, but about which we often remain unaware.
It’s hard to believe that I don’t know what’s in my own mind. Can you give me an example?
Often when I work with clients, I find that they are saying negative things to themselves without realizing it. These act as hypnotic suggestions and also reinforce negative self-views. We often have memories and messages deep in our subconscious that are affecting us without our being fully aware of them.
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